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Academy - Half-Blood Prince

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Who first tells Voldemort about Horcruxes?
Who wins the Quidditch championship this year?
Where is Draco when he cannot be located on the Marauder’s Map?
Room of Requirement.
What Horcrux does Dumbledore destroy before collecting Harry from the Dursleys - the locket, the cup, the sword or the ring?
The ring.
Which House Elf does Harry get from his godfather, Sirius Black - Kreacher, Dobby or Blinkey?
Whom does Ron date briefly in this book?
Lavender Brown.
How old must a student be to take an Apparition test?
What potion brings its user unusually good luck?
Felix Felicis.
Who is the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team in this book?