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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He should be on time,................?
shouldn't he
Cars pollute the environment, ..................... ?
don't they
Nothing is impossible,.................?
is it?
Someone has recognised me,..............?
haven't they
I am not a scientist,....................?
am I
I am a student,....................?
aren't I
She rarely goes to school late,.................?
does she
Jackson had never been to this place before,...........................?
had he
Hugh had a red car, ................ ?
didn't he
1. Mr. Pritchard's been to Scotland recently,......................... ? 2. Mr. Pritchard's a doctor,...............?
hasn't he/ isn't he
When did Tom finished the work at the office?
When was the work finished at the office by Tom?
She had watered the flowers before you came => the flowers.............
The flowers had been watered before you came
We were not painting the gate => The gate...............
The gate was not being painted
The workers are going to build a new school in this town next year => A new school..............
A new school is going to be built in this town by the workers next year
You should open the window => The window................
The window should be opened
You ought to wash the cars=> The cars.............
The cars ought to be washed (by you)
Who is going to take care your children when you are away? (Passive Voise)
By whom are your children going to be taken care when you are away?
Are they talking about the meeting? (Passive voice)
Is the meeting being talked about?
She told me a lie => I................
I was told a lie
Rachel will give you some advice. => Some advice.........................
Some advice will be given to you
Jimmy walks the dogs every day. => The dogs........
The dogs are walked by Jimmy everyday
Has she phoned him?
Has he been phoned?
Romeo and Juliet (write).............................by Shakespears
was written