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Unit 3 Lesson 2 : Climate

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In which season could it be dark by as early as 5 pm?
In which season do trees begin to grow leaves and animals have babies?
If it is winter in the Northern hemisphere, it is __ in the Southern hemisphere.
True or False : It is cold in winter because the earth is the farthest from the sun.
False. Seasons are caused by the earth's tilt on its axis and how much direct sunlight that part of earth gets.
Which season has the MOST hours of sunlight?
What is the definition of "seasons?"
Times of year with different weather patterns
When moist air from the ocean goes up a mountain, it cools and forms (makes) __.
The side of the mountain by the ocean can get lots of __, but the other side may be dry.
If you go high up a mountain, the temperature will be __.
Because air near the water has more moisture, places near the water can get more __.
rain / precipitation
What does "mild" mean?
Not too hot or cold (or spicy)
A big ocean can keep the area from getting too __ or too __.
hot, cold
Name two things that affect an area's climate.
ex.) water, elevation (land height,) mountains
Earth has a __ climate if it doesn't get much sun.
True or False : Earth spins straight up and down.
What is earth's axis?
The line through the center that Earth spins on
Name a place on earth that has a TROPICAL climate.
ex.) the Amazon, Southeast Asia . . .
True or False : All places on earth have four seasons.
A climate is an area's average temperature and __.
What is the name of the climate type that is hot and no rain?
Arid (dry)
What is climate?
The weather pattern in one area over a long period of time