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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Well, after this walk in the park your shoes are ________ (far/dirty) than mine.
far dirtier
This book is _______ (a bit / long) than the others in the series but ________ (much / interesting). I love the plot!
a bit longer / much more interesting
I've never seen a _______ (bad) movie than this one
Cars are ________ (far/comfortable) than bicycles
far more comfortable
What's the __________ (interesting) place you've ever visited?
most interesting
Mexico is probably my _______ (favourite) city, I wouldn't go there alone.
least favourite
The _______ (taller) the building, the _______ (great) the risk of fire
taller / greater
Your advice is ________ (no/good) than his
no better
I only wanted him to speak _______ (bit/quiet) because the child was sleeping
a bit more quietly
He doesn't earn ________ (quite/much) his wife, I'm afraid.
quite as much as
The ________ (soon), the ________ (quick) we'll finish
sooner / quicker
They have _______ (far/bad) computer software than we do.
far worse
She is __________ (not nearly / intelligent) her friend
not nearly as intelligent as
We need something _____________ (bit / colourful) than these black-and-white photos
a bit more colourful
They say the __________ (hard) you try, the ________ (good) results you get
harder / better