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São João

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There is a new typical food you can make in São João. What is it?
It is paçoca brigadeiro.
Girls wear...
Checkered or chita dresses.
Boys wear ...
Checkered t-shirts.
You can see different shapes and colors.
They are São joão flags.
It is caramelized and sweet.
Candy Apple.
It can be sweet and salty.
It is popcorn.
It is a typical food. It is boiled and you can add butter.
Corn cob.
______ is a typical peanut food in São João.
Sweet paçoca / Peanut Candy
Typical food made with corn seeds.
Canjica with the corn seeds.
Typical food made of corn.
Canjinca Cream
People dance_____ at the arraial.
Square dance/quadrilha
On June Festival, all the city, buildings and houses are decorated with ___________________.
São João’s flags.
Some folks have the costume of jumping over the ________________ as a sign of good luck.
They jump over the bonfire!
People use _____________________ in the air to decorate places at São João parties.
Balloons/ paper lantern
People usually wear ______________ at a June Festival.
Checked shirts and dresses