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That's right p.53-54

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If you have the knowledge of how to produce a good product, you will become chief production officer (CDO) of the company.
讗诐 讬砖 诇讱 讬讚注 注诇 讗讬讱 诇讬讬爪专 诪讜爪专 讟讜讘, 讗转讛 转讛驻讜讱 诇住诪谞讻"诇 讬讬爪讜专 砖诇 讛讞讘专讛.
The surface of the land is wood
砖讟讞 讛拽专拽注 讛讜讗 注爪讬诐
The garbage is destroying the earth's environment
讛讝讘诇 讛讜专住 讗转 讛住讘讬讘讛 砖诇 讻讚讜专 讛讗专抓
You have to earn your fortune
讗转讛 爪专讬讱 诇讛专讜讜讬讞 讗转 讛诪讝诇 砖诇讱
Knowledge, for instance, is very important for our organization.
讬讚注, 诇诪砖诇, 讛讜讗 诪讗讜讚 讞砖讜讘 诇讗专讙讜谉 砖诇谞讜.
The chief came along with us to treat the diseased people.
讛爪'讬祝 讘讗 注讬诪谞讜 讻讚讬 诇讟驻诇 讘讗谞砖讬诐 讛讞讜诇讬诐
Since the 1950's, most of the animals on the planet became extinct.
诪讗讝 砖谞讜转 讛讞诪讬砖讬诐 专讜讘 讛讞讬讜转 注诇 讻讚讜专 讛讗专抓 谞讻讞讚讜
The director wanted the company to raise money to support his rich way of life.
讛讘诪讗讬/ 诪谞讛诇 专爪讛 砖讛讞讘专讛 转讙讬讬住 讻住祝 讻讚讬 诇转诪讜讱 讘讚专讱 讛讞讬讬诐 讛注砖讬专讛 砖诇讜
The cause for climate change is the traditional ways we produce energy.
讛讙讜专诐 诇讛转讞诪诪讜转 讛讙诇讜讘诇讬转 讛讬讗 讛讚专讻讬诐 讛诪住讜专转讬讜转 讘讛谉 讗谞讜 诪驻讬拽讬诐 讗谞专讙讬讛.
The rescue team was unable to raise awareness to the destruction.
爪讜讜转 讛讛爪诇讛 诇讗 讛讬讛 诪住讜讙诇 诇注讜专专 诪讜讚注讜转 诇讛专住.