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Executive Branch

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the job of the executive branch?
enforce laws
Which department prints money?
Department of the Treasury
What department protects against terrorists and outside threats?
Department of Homeland Security
Whar department researches sources of fuel and electricity for the nation?
Department of Energy
What department works with farmers and regulates farm products?
Department of Agriculture
How are treaties negotiated and who approves them?
The President negotiates treaties through the Secretary of State. The Senate approves international treaties with a 2/3 vote.
A person who speaks for the United States in another country.
The ambassador
Give the synonyms of these: 1.promise ; 2.remove from office ; 3.officially forgive a person for breaking the law
1. oath ; 2. impeach ; 3. pardon
When the President takes the _____________ of office, he/she promises to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States
What does EPA stand for?
Environmental Protection Agency
What does FBI stand for?
Federal Bureau of Investigation
The head of each department except one is called a _____________.
The President has Military Powers. What is it called?
Commander in Chief, the President can send troops into combat without approval of Congress-undeclared war. Can use troops for domestic peace in the US.
What is a treaty?
Formal agreement between two or more sovereign states
What are the qualifications to be president of the United States?
Age: 35; Citizenship: Natural born US citizen; Residency; have lived in the US at least 14 years
This isn’t a cupboard, but the president’s group of advisers, including the VP and secretaries of executive departments.
the Cabinet
The Constitution gives this person the responsibility of being the president of the Senate.
the vice president
This person would become the president if both the president and vice president die or leave office.
the Speaker of the House
How many terms (of 4 years) a president can serve?
2 terms
This is the document that gives the president their power, specifically Article 2 of this document.
the Constitution
Stable finances, self-defense, and ________are the 3 pillars of a strong nation.
peaceful politics
How many members did George Washington’s original cabinet contain?
4 members (Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Henry Knox, Edmund Randolph)
The executive branch includes ____, ____, and ____.
the president, VP, and the cabinet
This war caused the United States to go into debt during George Washington’s presidency.
the Revolutionary War
This building is where the president lives and works.
the White House
What is this building called?
The White House