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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A plane ticket may be window or ____
Phrasal verb which is used when you start a journey.
set off
When you go to museums and imporant landmarks in a city, you ____
go sightseeing
What does it mean?
to land
What does it mean?
to take off
How many friends __________ have when you were younger?
did you use to
When the weather was bad, I ___ stay home and read comic books. (used to / would / both)
I _____ have very long hair. (used to / would / both)
used to
When I was a child I ______ like peanuts. (didn't use to / wouldn't / both)
didn't use to
They can't have a great time on holiday last year - they look happy in this photo. (CORRECT THE MISTAKE)
They must have had a great time...
They must be at the train station - they've just left their apartment. (CORRECT THE MISTAKE)
They can't be at the train station -
Passengers with children can ____ the plane first.
Next summer we want to ____ Europe and travel ____ Portugal to Estonia.
cross / from
You have to cross the ____ - the hotel is on the other bank.
I'll probably get to the station late and ____ the train home.
He sails from Ireland __ England __ boat and drives a red ____ bus from London to Dover.
to / by / double-decker
How _________? (get) Well, the best thing would be to take an overnight train? (COMPLETE THE QUESTION)
How can I get there?
You lived in Paris for three years - you must see all the sights. (CORRECT THE MISTAKE)
...you must have seen all the sights.