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High Five 1&2 - Name 3

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Nam 3 building we can see in a town or in a city
post office, car park, book shop, police station . . . .
Name 3 words that start with the letter C
. . .
Name 3 words that start with the letter P
. . .
Name 3 foods we eat in summer
ice cream, salad, fish . . .
Name 3 types of weather
sunny, cloudy, windy, foggy, rainy . . .
Name 3 vegetables
green beans, broccoli, onion, carrot, peas, mushrooms . . .
Name 3 sports (not play football/basketball/tennis!)
skateboarding, riding a bike, play hockey, swimming . . . .
Name 3 things we can do with a ball
throw, catch, bounce, score a goal, play football, play volleyball . . . .
Name 3 pieces of clothes that start with an S
socks, shirt, skirt, sandals, shoes, sun hat, shorts . . .
Name 3 family members
uncle, aunt, grandma, grandpa, brother, sister, cousing, mother, father
Name 3 drinks
coffee, tea, water, orange juice, milk, milkshake
Name 3 countries
Spain, England, France, Italy, Russia, China, India, Australia, Belgium, Netherlands . . .
Name 3 animals that can run
horse, dog, elephant, lion, leopard, zebra
Name 3 animals that can climb
monkey, lizard, snake . . .
Name 3 animals that can swim
dolphin, fish, whale, seahorse, crab . ..
Nam 3 red fruits
strawberry, cherry, watermelon, apple . . .