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Context Clues #2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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14) Bethany has such an aversion to spiders that she cannot even look at a picture of one without shuttering.
13) Martina was a docile child, who always did as she was told. Teachers enjoyed having her as a student.
12) Lee felt elated after he won the race. He was giving high-fives to everyone and grinning from ear to ear.
11) My roommate and I could tell by the rotten smell, that something putrid was in our trash can. We could barely stand the smell.
10) Leslie appeared infallible in math class because she always got a hundred percent on any test, quiz, or homework.
never wrong
9) Seth went to mingle with a group of people on the other side of the courtyard. They talked for a few minutes before leaving.
hang out
8) The food at the buffet was extremely bland. It didn’t taste bad or good.
7) Penelope has to learn to cope with difficult situations better. She whines and complains most of the time if things don’t go her way.
6) The details of the contract for the star football player were inconsequential. All that mattered was the agreement was finally done and he could get back to playing football.
5) Barry was persistent in his desire to get a dog. He begged and begged his parents until they finally gave in.
4) My dog Apollo veered out of the way of the car at the last moment. He got out of the way and off the road just in time.
3) Sheldon is leading a crusade against world hunger. He has been able to gain the support of hundreds of people by gaining pledges and collecting canned goods.
2) Mrs. Adams said, “To attend a field trip, your parents must consent to letting you go.”
1. Rocky vowed to the police officer to never speed again to keep from getting a ticket. Fortunately, the officer was very understanding.