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Earth's spheres
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Name the 3 layers of the geosphere
Crust, mantle and core (inner and outer core)
Name at least 5 things you can do to help preserve biodiversity
use less paper, use electric cars, reduce consumption (buy less things), eat less meat and fish, use less plastic, use cloth bags, recycle etc
Name at least 4 things that cause loss of biodiversity
Deforestation, loss of habitat, global warming, pollution, waste, overhunting/overfishing
Minerals and rocks are part of this sphere
The Earth's many ecosystems can be found on this sphere
Are glaciers part of the geosphere or hydrosphere?
The hydrosphere includes water on the Earth's surface and where else?
underground, gas in the air (droplets and clouds), glaciers
This is the outermost layer of the atmosphere
Satellites can be found in this layer of the atmosphere
This is the coldest layer of the atmosphere
This layer of the atmosphere absorbs the sun's harmful rays
Weather happens in this layer of the atmosphere
Name the 5 layers of the atmosphere starting with the closest to Earth
Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere
Only non-living things can be found on this sphere
All living things can be found on this sphere