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B2 Revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say the correct forms of the verbs. I managed (pass) the test. I regret (send) that email.
to pass, sending
Say the criminals and verbs for these crimes. theft, shoplifting, murder, vandalism
thief, shoplifter, murderer, vandal
Correct this sentences. He’s fluent for French.
He's fluent in French.
What is the difference? 1 I stopped to talk to Rob. 2 I stopped talking to Rob.
What is the difference? an undergraduate, a postgraduate a lecturer, a professor
Fill in the gaps with a preposition. He has succeeded ____ everything he has done.
Which word is correct? I went out, although/despite I was tired.
Which word is correct? He always tries to help, even if it puts him up/out.
Fill in the gap: I hit him very hard and knocked him _____ .
Fill in the gap: She takes me granted.
Which word is correct? It can become addictive/destructive collecting exotic pets.
Fill in the gap: That’s not true, you’ve made it ____ .
Say the correct verb form: I met Jack while I (walk) home.
was walking
Which verb form is correct? I don’t like people watch/watching me.
Correct this sentence: Alan, that lives next door, is a doctor.
Alan, who lives...
Which word is correct? He’s no tall/taller than me.
Say the correct verb form: This time tomorrow I (work).
I'll be working
Which word is correct? The much/more I do, the better I get.
Which verb form is correct? I’ll see/I’m seeing the doctor at 3.30.
I'm seeing