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What do Inuits do today with the food that they fish, hunt, or gather?
They share it with the whole village.
What do you think is difficult about Inuit life?
What are Inuit clothes made from?
Animal skin and fur
Would you prefer to live like Inuits from 100 years ago or Inuits today?
How are the Inuit houses different from your house?
How did the Inuit travel 100 years ago.
Dogsled and Kayak
How do the Inuits get their food.
They hunt animals and gather berries.
What is the name of the people who live in Greenland?
The Inuit
The inuits eat sea animals such as_________.
walrus, seal, and whale
The Inuits eat land animals such as________.
reindeer and polar bears
What is most of Greenland covered in?
What is the name of the large island that the Inuits live on?
Winters in Greenland can be as cold as ___.
How many different types of homes did Inuits have in the past?
What do Inuits call the temporary home they make from snow?