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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you slam the door you do it quietly/loudly
Which animal hisses?
a snake
People sniff when they laugh/have a cold/want to get attention
have a cold/allergy; are unhappy with something; are crying; want to smell something
If you throw a piano down the stairs it would make a huge c _ _ _ _
If something rumbles, is it a high-pitched or low-pitched noise?
Low pitch: (your stomach when you're hungry, distant thunder/traffic)
Air conditioning and your fridge make this noise: h_ _
Some types of birds and braking suddenly can make a sc_ _ _ _ _
Which of these things can't you slurp? a milkshake, a coffee, a pear
a pear
Name 3 things that crunch
biting an apple, eating crisps/crackers/toast, walking on snow
Name 3 things that make a tapping noise
typing on the keyboard, tapping your fingers on the desk, a branch touching a window
What noise does an owl make? a howl, a hoot, a coo
a hoot
The Chinese used this noise as torture
a drip
What noise do both a lion and a revving motorbike make?
a roar