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4J 2020-2021

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why did our wind turbines not work the first time we made them?
There wasn't enough wind.
What game has 4J played the most this year?
Silent Ball
What is the phrase that Ms Jo has repeated most often this year?
Effort takes no talent, don't give up, hands up
We read the book "Flat Stanley Goes to Space". What was the name of the planet he went to with his family?
What is the name of the book Mr Jerry has been reading your recently?
The Tiger Rising
What is the number on our classroom door?
Can you name two of the NGOs who did a presentation for us?
Redress, Feeding HK, Shark Foundation, Save the Dogs
Can you name all of the teachers in G1?
Ms Ayeesha, Ms Ruchi, Mr Albert and Ms Vivian
Can you name all of the teachers in G2?
Ms Birgitta, Ms Hayley and Ms Zainab
Can you name all of the teachers in G3?
Ms Carrie, Ms Kaya and Ms Karen
In what unit did we have the G4 exhibition?
Sharing the Planet
Can you name all of the ATs who have worked in 4J this year?
Mr Jerry, Ms Susanna, Ms Liz, Mr Satish, Ms Monica
Who was the last student to join 4J?
Who was the first student to leave 4J?