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T1 Session 24
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is my favourite game. (put it in the negative).
This isn't my favourite game.
Crocodiles have small mouths. (put it in the negative).
Crocodiles don't have small mouths.
Birds can run fast. (put it in the negative).
Birds can't run fast.
Anteaters are big animals. (put it in the negative).
Anteaters aren't big animals.
London is the capital of the USA. (put it in the negative).
London isn't the capital of the USA.
Leopards have black spots.(put it in the negative).
Leopards don't have black spots.
We can speak German very well. (put it in the negative).
We can't speak German very well.
Giraffes can fly. (put it in the negative).
Giraffes can't fly.
The lion is a dangerous animal. (put it in the negative).
The lion isn't a dangerous animal.
My best friend loves The Queen. (put it in the negative).
My best friend doesn't love The Queen.
My best friend is in the 5th grade. (put it in the negative).
My best friend isn't in the 5th grade.
I live in Rio de Janeiro. (put it in the negative).
I don't live in Rio de Janeiro.