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The future of RC Technology: What seemed like magic one hundred years ago is…
quickly becoming an important part of our everyday lives.
The future of RC Technology: Within the next few years, remote-controlled drones could…
be flying in your neighborhood
RC Racing: Quadrocopters are also known as…
RC Racing: Single-rotor helicopters can be even more …
complicated to handle
RC Flying: Once pilots master the trainer, they graduate to sport planes which perform…
complicated aerobatic maneuvers
RC Racing: Some of the coolest off-road events occur at…
RC Truck and tractor - pulling competitions
RC Racing: The racing classes include…
touring cars, sports cars, and off-road vehicles
Four wheeled fun: Off-road vehicles are popular since…
they come with large tires
Four wheeled fun: Serious RC drivers buy…
Four wheeled fun: Gasolines or Nitro-powered models run…
faster and longer
Four wheeled fun: Batteries DON'T expel
Four-wheeled fun: Today's cars are more…
Smaller and more powerful
Basics of RC: What is Radio?
A type of electromangneytic energy