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Present desserts attractively

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True or False. Custard is a stirred vanilla custard sauce; consist of milk, sugar, egg yolks and vanilla.
True or False. Don't crowd the plate. If your dessert is beautiful, it shouldn't need a lot of garnishes.
True or False. Textures and flavors hit the palate at different times.
True or False. Everything on the dessert plate should be edible and delicious.
True or False. You should garnish all the ice cream flavors with fresh mint.
True or False. Pastry creams as a dessert by itself and as a basis for many bake puddings.
True or False. Customers love desserts, but not all customers will order them.
True or False. Garnishes add decorations to dessert.
True or False. Using one type of plate can add or enhance the theme well.
True or False. The look of a dessert on a plate tempts your guest’s eyes.
This brighten the plate, give a clue to the flavor of the meal, complement the taste of the dish.
This should be an integral part of how you build your recipe.
Art of dessert plating
It is an arrangement of one or more components.
Plated dessert
These flavorings maybe extract like vanilla, liquors like rum.
Dessert syrup
It is very critical, because it can determine the success of a dish, including features such as taste and flavor.
Dessert presentation