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Should School Be Year-Round? 3

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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10. The author suggests that the decision about school schedules affects multiple groups of people. List the groups of people and describe why this decision may affect each group.
The author suggests that this decision affects (1) students, (2) teachers, and (3) families.
9. Summarize the five arguments for more year-round schools.
Answers will vary
8. What evidence is presented in the text to show that year-round schools are becoming more popular?
The author includes a statistic from the National Association for Year-Round Education stating that the number of students in year-round schools tripled from 19
7. Completes the sentence. Students at a year-round school might get several weeks off at Thanksgiving _________ a year-round schedule includes mini-breaks throughout the year rather than one long summer break.
A. because
6. Read these sentences from the introduction: “Is your school year-round? If not, would you want it to be? Read the arguments that follow.” In these sentences the author is
C. speaking directly to readers to increase their interest
5. This passage is mostly about
A. reasons why year-round schools are or are not a good idea
4. It can be inferred from the passage that
D. students do not remember material after breaks
3. Read this statement: “Students feel like they need frequent breaks.” Which piece of evidence from the text supports this statement?
B. the quote from a student
2.How does the author organize the information in this passage?
C.The author describes an argument and then presents evidence to support both sides.
1. According to the passage, why might students have trouble learning in school during the summer?
B. Many schools do not have air conditioning, and students would be too hot to learn.