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OW6 Unit 8 Revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sophia the robot is learning how to walk using...
mechanical legs
Robots can understand what you're saying using...
voice recognition
True or False: Facial recognition allows robots to smell, touch, and taste things.
False! Sensors do!
Robots can be [programmed / complex] to send us information from the moon.
We can control robots when they are in other places by [commands / remote control].
remote control
Robots can go to many different places, including underwater, because they are [social / mobile].
Robots are good at tasks because they are [precise / command].
Make a wish sentence about the situation: The scientists have got a robot that cannot explore underwater, but they want it to. The scientists wish...
Example: The scientists wish the robot could explore underwater.
Make a wish sentence about the situation: I can't find my wallet and my friends have asked me to go to the shopping mall with them. I wish...
Example: I wish I could find my wallet.
Make a wish sentence about the situation: Francesca's computer broke. She needs a new one. Francesca wishes...
Example: Francesca wishes she had a new computer.
Make a wish sentence about the situation: Roberto has got too much homework. Roberto wishes...
Example: Roberto wishes he didn't have so much homework.
We _____ we _____(not be) leaving our grandparents' house tomorrow.
We WISH we WEREN'T leaving our grandparents' house tomorrow.
They ___ they ____ (be) playing table tennis with a robot.
They WISH they WERE playing table tennis with a robot.
I ____ they _____ (will not play) music so loudly when I am studying.
I WISH they WOULDN'T PLAY music so loudly when I'm studying.
She ____ she _____ (can do) her maths homework.
She WISHES she COULD DO her maths homework.
He _____ they ______ (have) a robot in their classroom.
He WISHES they HAD a robot in their classroom.