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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say 12 months (You can sing our song:) !
What's the matter? Say 8 illnesses!
headache, flu, stomach ache, temperature, earache, toothache, cut, cold, broken leg, cough, feel dizzy, sore throat, feel sick
Say 10 colours
red, black, white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue, green, gey
Say 6 school subjects
Maths, Polish, English, Spanish, Arts & Crafts, PE, Drama, History, Geography, Biology, Science, ICT, RE
Say 8 places at school
gym, corridor, computer room, football pitch, school hall, playground, library, bike stand, music room, basketball court, canteen, vegetable garden
Say 5 means of transport
a plane, a helicopter, a car, a van, a lorry, a boat, a bike, a motorbike, a scooter, a skateboard
Say 7 toys
boat, skipping rope, bike, kite, scooter, skateboard, yo-yo, frisbee, ball, bat
Say 7 pieces of furniture
bed, table, shelf, cupboard, rug, cushion, chair, box, sofa,
Say 7 days of a week
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Say 5 places in a town
park, school, shop, cinema, bus stop, house
Say 5 places at home
bedroom, bathroom, living room, hall, kitchen, garden, garage
What's the weather like today? (Say 5 different)
It's sunny, It's raining, It's snowing, It's cloudy, It's windy, It's hot, It's cold
Say 10 food products
cheese, tuna, chillies, prawns, onions, mushrooms, olives, spinach, tomato sauce, sweetcorn, peppers, pineapple
Say 8 chores
make my bed, lay the table, tidy up, clear the table, feed my pet, walk the dog, wash up, wash the car, cook dinner, water the plants, hoover the floor, dust