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End of the Year Total Language!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I have 8 tentacles and I squirt ink. What am I?
I am the largest mammal in the ocean. What am I?
What vitamin can you get from direct sunlight?
a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin B c. Vitamin C d. Vitamin D
Name a synonym for "vacation"
Name a synonym for "carnival"
Name two meanings of the word "break"
break- to destroy something, break- relax for a while
Name two meanings of the word "Bowl"
bowl- something you eat food out of; bowl-lets go bowling
The suffix less as in "My brother is fearless" means?
The pre-fix "semi-" as in "Stand together in a semicircle" means?
The prefix "inter-" as in "he intercepted my throw" means?
True or false: Watermelon consists of over 90 percent water.
July is the national month of what summer food?
A. Hotdogs B. Ice cream C. Hamburger D. corn on the cob
What does the phrase "the dog days of summer" mean?
late summer; very hot and sticky
I consider the celebrity’s ownership of thirty automobiles to be quite REDUNDANT.
not or no longer needed or useful; repetitive
What does it mean to make an inference?
come to a conclusion based off of evidence.
What does it mean to make a summary?
a brief statement/account of a story or even included the main idea and ONLY key details
What is Miss. Parks' favorite flavor of Rita's ice?
A. Mango B. Cherry C. Lemon D. Blue Rasberry
Since Bob was sick and couldn't really taste anything, he was AMBIVALENT about what he ate for dinner.
uncertain or lacks the ability to make decisions.
Sean wants to protect his eyes while he is at the beach. What does he need?
With only an hour before their parents arrived, the boys had to FORMULATE a plan to clean the house.
to create, produce, or prepare something carefully
What is the fist official day of summer?
A. 6/20 B. 6/11 C. 7/1 D. 6/5