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Film Techniques Revision

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Puts the actor in character, helps the audience draw conclusions about the type of person the character is.
Adds reality and some objects used have symbolic meaning to enhance the themes within the film.
This contributes to the mood of the film, and suggests interpretations of the character.
This helps to create atmosphere. It can include sound effects, dialogue, music, silences and voice overs.
This shows the subject from below, giving the impression of being more powerful or dominant.
Low angle shot
The scene is shown from directly above. This is a completely different and somewhat unnatural point of view which can be used from dramatic effect or for showing a different spatial perspective.
Bird's eye angle
This is the most common view, being the real-world angle that we are all used to.
Eye-level shot
A shot that shows the subject from above.
High angle shot
A shot in which the human figure would be extremely insignificant compared to its surroundings
Extreme close up
A hot taken from an airborne device, generally while moving.
Aerial shot
A shot which shows an image from the specific point of view of a character in the film.
Point of view shot
A type of shot, which tightly frames a person or an object.
Close up
A shot in which the human figure would be relatively insignificant compared to its surroundings.
Long shot
A shot framed so closely as to show only a portion of the face or of some object.
Extreme close up
A shot depicting the human figure from approximately the waist up.
Medium shot
A shot, often a long shot, placed at the beginning of a scene to establish the general location of the action to follow?
Establishing shot
A photograph or film sequence taken from below the subject.
Low angle
Medium shot
High Angle
Medium shot
A cinematic technique where the camera looks down on the subject.
High angle
Close up
Full shot
Low angle
What angle is used in this frame?
Low angle
High Angle
What shot is used in this frame?
Long shot
Full shot
Extreme long shot
Medium shot
What angle is used in this frame?
High angle
Low angle
What shot is used in this frame?
Long shot
Close up
Medium shot
Extreme long shot
What shot has been used in this frame?
Full shot
Long shot
Extreme long shot
Close up
What camera shot has been used in this frame?
Medium shot
Full shot
Close up
Extreme close up
What shot is used in this picture?
Extreme close up
Close up
Full shot
Medium shot
What shot is used in this picture?
Close up
Extreme long shot
Long shot
Extreme close up
What shot has been used in this picture?
Medium shot
Full shot
Close up
Extreme close up
What shot has been used in this picture?
Full shot
Close up
Extreme close up
Medium shot
What shot has been used in this picture?
Long shot
Full shot
Medium shot
Extreme long shot
What shot has been used in this picture?
Extreme long shot
Long shot
Medium shot
Full shot
Shows part of the subject in more detail, typically frames them from about waist up.
Medium shot
Close up
High angle
Low angle
Emphasizes a small area or detail of the subject, such as the eye(s) or mouth.
Extreme close up
Close up
Full shot
Medium shot
Typically shows the entire object or human figure and its surroundings.
Long shot
Extreme long shot
High angle
Close up
Fills the screen with part of the subject, such as a person’s head/face.
Close up
Extreme close up
Low angle shot
Medium shot
Used to show the subject from a distance, or the area in which the scene is taking place.
Extreme long shot
Close up
Medium shot
High angle