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End of year quiz - Level 10
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the three pet hates we saw in the TV show clips
Fake tension on TV shows, phone calls, pets dressed as humans
Name 3 features you saw in David Harbour's apartment
note paper roller, blackout blinds, FOUR taps, sliding ladder, retractable screen, skylight etc.
Say ONE Easter fact we learned
egg painting - Ukraine, 1st Sunday after full moon (after March 21), Germany -dancing illegal on Good Sunday, Easter Bunny - Germany
Explain Quick-Slow, Slow-Quick, and Quick Quick in relation to how we perceive time
Quick-slow: When you have fun time passes quickly but looking back seems long, When you are bored time passes slow but looking back seems fast...
Which 3 creatures live inside the mind of a procrastinator?
Rational Decision Maker, Instant Gratification Monkey, Panic Monster
What was the name of the Japanese pilgrimage we saw?
Kumano Kodo
Use these words to describe restaurants you know: sumptuous meals, a tad overpriced, decidedly average, a host of (vegan) options
What were the 3 themed restaurants we saw in class in January?
Ninja, Tommy Gun's Garage, ComicX
Complete this phrase: Sadly, my joke fell...
Name two Top Five talks from the class AND two new words that were used.
Talk about one of the articles or videos you read / listened to for 30 seconds
Name four sleep disorders and describe them.
sleep apnea, bruxism, narcolepsy, sleep terrors, insomnia
What was the significance of this orange juicer analogy (for written work)?
To keep your writing simple if the message is simple
Which animal cannot die from falling? and why not?
An ant. Their terminal velocity is not fast enough for an impact that would kill them.
What was the topic of the song you started? AND sing the part you wrote.
Rainbow / Moon
Which one of these performances did we NOT watch in class: Spider Dance, Joker, Shadow Puppets, piano?
Shadow Puppets