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Passion Week and Easter Stories

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Memory work : Therefore go and make ________ of all nations.
What were 2 of the promises Jesus gave to his disciples before he ascended into heaven?
I will prepare a place for you in my Father's House. I will give you peace. I will come back. I will send you the Holy Spirit.
Who was Jesus talking to when he said " Take care of my sheep"?
How many times did Jesus ask Peter if he loved him?
3 times
Which disciple said that he wanted to touch the marks on Jesus' hands in order to believe that Jesus had risen?
Where were 2 men walking when Jesus appeared to them on Easter Sunday evening?
Who told the women that Jesus had risen?
The angels
On what day did Jesus rise from the dead?
Who went to the tomb to put spices on Jesus' dead body?
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary
On what day was Jesus crucified?
on Friday
Who asked the people if he should free Jesus or Barabbas?
Who denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed?
How did Judas show the soldiers which man was Jesus?
with the KISS of death
Where did Jesus go to pray after the Last Supper?
The Garden of Gethsemane
What did Jesus say the broken bread represented?
Jesus' broken body
What did Jesus say the glass of wine represented?
The blood of Jesus
Who left the Supper early?
Judas Iscariot
Where in Jerusalem did Jesus go to celebrate the Last Supper or Passover meal?
an upper room
How much was Judas paid?
30 pieces of silver
Who betrayed Jesus?
Judas Iscariot