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Math Strategies

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Long multiplication is also called...
Standard Algorithm.
True or False: FOIL stands for First Operation In Line.
False. It is First Outer Inner Last.
The FOIL method is also called the...
Partial Product method
The box method is also called the...
Area model
If you were to multiply 482x374 using the box method, how many boxes would you need to draw?
True or False: When using the Turtlehead Method, you must remember to subtract any carried numbers from the connected product.
False. You need to ADD carried numbers to the connected product.
True or False: All of the strategies we have learned so far involve addition.
True or False: If you are using the Turtlehead Method, you must remember to lay an egg (zero) AFTER drawing a collar.
What does the L in FOIL stand for?
What does the I in FOIL stand for?
What does the F in FOIL stand for?
True or False: In order to use the box method, you must first turn multiple digit numbers into standard form.
False. You must turn them into expanded form.
What does the O in FOIL stand for?
True or False: This is an example of the FOAL method. 48x21= (40+8)(20+1)=
False. It is the FOIL method.
True or False: This is an example of the square method.
False. It is called the box method.
True or False: This is an example of using the standard algorithm.