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Lucky guess

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Something on your head
eyes 20, mouth 20, nose 20, ears 30, hair 40, teeth 50, tongue 100, eyebrows 100, eyelashes 100, lips 50
Furniture where you can sleep
bed 10, sofa 20, bunk beds 30, table 30,
A place you can go to ask for help
Hospital 20, police station 20, fire station 40, church 40,
Something that can happen if you get hurt
cut 20, bruise 50, scrape 40, broken bone 30, burn 50, die 200
Places you can go if you need transportation
train station 30, bus station 30, airport 10
Jobs that help the community
firemen 20, policemen 20, nurse 50, doctor 20, teacher 20, librarian 100
Jobs in the store
clerk 60, butcher 50, cashier 20, security guard 50, cleaning person 40
Jobs in transportation
Pilot 100, taxi driver 10, bus driver 30, train conductor 50
When you get sick you can get
Medicine 10, injection 50, surgery 100
A part of your body that can hurt.
toothache 30, backache 50, headache 10, stomachache 10
A room in the house
living room 30, laundry room 70, bedroom 10, kitchen 10
Something that happens when you are sick.
Sneeze 20, headache 10, cough 20, fever 40
A pet you can have your house?
Dog 10, Cat 10, Rabbit 50, snake 10, bird 20