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Founded in 1909, what is the oldest civil rights organization in the United States?
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
What was the Russian name for the first artificial satellite, launched in 1957?
In what year and location did Martin Luther King, Jr. deliver his speech: "I Have a Dream"?
The flame inaugurating the Centennial Olympic Games in Atlanta on July 19, 1996 was lit by which well-loved athlete?
In which English speaking country must all students study Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or some other Asian language?
What modern technological advance that most of us use today, was "born" at the UCLA, in 1969?
The Million Man March brought 400,000 African-American men together in 1995 for speeches urging them to shoulder the responsibilities of raising families. Where was this event held?
Washington DC
The custom of fooling friends and relatives on the first of April began in the late 1500's in which country? Holland, France, or Italy?
On May 18, 1980, this mountain in the Pacific northwest erupted after being dormant for 123 years. Which mountain is it?
mount St. Helen
In 1808, the U.S. government prohibited the importation into the U.S. of what?
What organization has won the Nobel Peace prize at least 16 times?
Red Cross
In 1908 the Wright Brothers tried to sell their invention, the airplane, to which organization?
US Miitary
In which year did East and West Germany unify into the current Germany?
The technology company ..?.. says Donald Trump will remain banned from its social networking platform for two years from January 7, 2021.
The remains of 215 children were found buried at the site of a former indigenous Catholic school in ..?...
JBS, the world’s largest producer of ..?.., had to halt some of its operations due to a cyberattack.