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Parents Vs. Students Epic Battle of Knowledge

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are singular and plural nouns?
Singular nouns are 1 of something. Plural is more than one!
What is an example of a RENEWABLE energy source?
The sun, water, and wind can all provide renewable energy!
What can you recycle right in your own home?
Plastic, paper, clothing, lots of different things!
How can we protect the environment?
We can recycle, we can save energy, we can save water, we can take care of our earth!
What are the 3 R's?
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!
How do artists express themselves?
Singers sing, artists draw, chefs cook, musicians play music, dancers dance. An artist can express themselves in any way they choose!
Can you say two words that rhyme?
We would have accepted cat, bat, hat, dog, log, fog, frog, wet, met, pet, let, or any other rhyme!
Is Green Eggs and Ham a fiction or nonfiction book?
Fiction book! Not real!
What is your favorite animal's habitat?
Depends on your favorite animal!
What is your favorite animal?
There is no wrong answer! It is your choice! Ask mom and dad their favorite animal!
What is a non-fiction text?
Non-fiction texts teach the reader about something real.
What is an adaptation that will help an animal survive in the arctic?
We will accept thick fur, sharp claws, camouflage, blubber to stay warm....
What is a habitat?
A habitat is where an animal lives. It provides things for the animal to survive.
What is an adjective? What is its job?
An adjective is a describing word! It describes other words!