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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If Rosie has ten stickers and bought six more, how many stickers will she have in all?
16 stickers
Move 1 space backwards
It's okay!
John has 71 pesos in his pocket. Then, his dad gave him 4 pesos. How much money does John has in all?
75 pesos
There are six bicycles parked outside the building. Four more bicycles came and parked. How many bicycles are parked outside the building?
10 bicycles
Mom used eight cups of flour for the cookies. Then, she used another eight cups of flour for the cupcakes. How many cups of flour did mom used in all?
16 cups of flour
Move 1 space backwards!
It's okay!
Move 1 space backwards.
It's okay!
What is eighteen plus twelve?
Kit saw six bugs in the garden. Ben saw seven bugs in the garden too. How many bugs did they saw in all?
13 bugs
Roll the dice again!
That's nice!
Move 2 spaces forward.
That's nice!
Jack pets nine cats and two dogs. How many animals does Jack pet in all?
11 animals
154 + 26 = _______
We ate seven muffins. Then, we ate two more. How many muffins did we ate in total?
9 muffins
39 + 39 = _______
Move 1 space forward.
There are three frogs on the log. Five more hopped on. How many frogs are there in all?
100 + 2 = _______
121 + 19 = _______
Move 1 space backwards.
It's okay!!
15 + 9 = ________
24 + 87 = ________