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Transformations CPE

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Not many people went to the last match of the season.TURNOUT There .. the last match of lhe season.
There was a poor turnout at the last match of lhe season.
You won't be able to enter the country unless you have a visa. PREVENTED Passengers without. a visa ......... the country.
Passengers without. a visa will be prevented from entering the country.
Could you come on Saturday? SUIT How ............. you?
How does coming on Saturday suit you?
Could he have been telling the truth?LIKELY. Is ...... the truth?
Is it likely he was telling the truth?
It is certain that he will return this aftemoon. BOUND He ....... this afternoon.
He is bound to return this afternoon.
It is very possible that he'll be promoted. EVERY There .... promoted.
There is every likelihood he´ll be promoted
I never have enough time these days. SHORT I .. ................... these days .
I am short of time these days .
I'm sick of that programme; I've watched it too often.OFF I've .... ....................... .; I've watched it too often
I've gone off that programme . I've watched it too often
They chose not to drive because they thoUght there would be too much snow. FEAR They chose ... .. ................. too much snow.
They chose not to drive for fear of too much snow.
James realised that he could never be an architect. CUT James realised . .. ... an architect.
James realised that he was not cut out to be an architect.
The news was a shock to us. ABACK We ................. news.
We were taken aback by the news.
My boss says I can use his car whenever I want to. so long as I'm careful.DISPOSAL My boss ......... so long as I'm careful.
My boss says his car is at my disposal so long as I'm careful.