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Gossip, Teasing, Bullying, Rumours!

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what are 3 ways someone can bully?
what would someone do or say to tease or gossip about you?
what would someone do or say to tease or gossip about you?
laughing at you can be teasing?
Yes. If it happens everyday it can turn into bullying
what are the steps to dealing with teasing?
take a deep breath, stay calm, think i can handle this, choose technique, do it.
what are some techniques you can use to deal with teasing?
ignoring, walk away, ask them to stop in friendly manner, comeback, seek help
If someone says " thats a nice kick" & roll's their eyes, whats a comeback you can use
whatever, i dont care, yawn, walk away
If someone says " thats a cool shirt" sarcastically whats a comeback you can use for this tease
whatever, idc, shrugs shoulders etc.
If someone says "your hair looks funny" whats a comeback you can say?
whatever, cool story, i dont care ......
I asked a boy in my class to push me on the swing and she said no. Is this bullying?
Everytime you walk to the classroom the mean girl trips you and you fall and scrape your knee. is this bullying?
During afternoon recess a group of kids in my class threw snowballs at me and called me a loser. This is the fifth time they have done it this month. is this bullying
Today at school, a grade 7 kid laughed at me and said “nice haircut” in a sarcastic voice. Is this teasing or bullying?
A boy at my school took my book ripped it up and gave it back to me. The day before that he took my lunch containers and spilled it all over the floor. Today he took my backpack and wrote all over it. Is this bullying or not bullying?
Can teasing turn into bullying?
Yes. Teasing that happens over and over can become bullying and can become more serious.
Bullying Hurts feelings. True or false
Bullying is how you make friends. True or Fals
Give an example of a comeback
whatever, shrugs shoulders, so what, Meh, cool story