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Review - 8th level

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Answer: What did your dream used to be when you were younger?
I used to dream about being a scientist or filmmaker
Answer: What did you use to do at the weekends that you don't do anymore?
I would play the guitar on the weekends, but my guitar is broken now
Answer: What games did you use to play when you were a child?
I used to play hide and seek
Say a habit that you have after waking up
I'm always checking my social medias
Each member of the team answers: Say some bad habits you keep doing and can't stop
I'm always procrastinating
Each member of the team answers: Say something you will always do when you want to relax
I will always lay on my bed
Each member of the team has to say one slang or idiom that they've learned in lesson 6
Dope, It costs a bomb, Necking, To bend over backwards, To wear heart on the sleeve, Eat a horse, From scratch, etc.
Which expression completes the sentence: "You can keep the puppy _____ you promise to take care of it" a) as long as b) unless c) provided that
A) as long as, and C) provided that
Which expression completes the sentence: "We can hold the party in the garden _____ it doesn't rain" a) even if b) on the condition c) unless
b) On the condition
Which expression completes the sentence "I will leave now, ______ there is anything left to do" a) supposing b) unless c) only if
b) unless
Each member of the team answers the question: What will your parents give you a 10 reais bill today?
I will save it if they give me a 10 reais bill
Each member of the team answers the question: If you could be an animal, what animal would you be?
I would be a cat
Each member of the team answers the question: If you hadn’t had to attend today’s class, what would you have done?
If I hadn't come to class, I would have slept
The team has to explain what "dictator", "alliance" and "surrender" mean
Dictator: a ruler with total power over a country / Alliance: a union or association / Surrender: Stop resisting to an enemy
If the enemy says they will drop a bomb if the other country doesn't surrender. They are basically a) invading the nation b) threatening the nation c) mounting a counter-attack
B) Threatening the other nation
Each member of the team has to say one word that refers to wars and battles
soldiers, weapon, call a truce, dictator, ally, drop a bomb, attack, surrencer, etc.
"Mary is always forgetting to give back my things. She hasn't returned the umbrella I lent to her ______" a) yet b) already c) just d) ever
A) Yet
"I ______ haven't found my glasses! Do you know where they are?" a) yet b) ever c) still d) lately
C) Still
"I have _________ suffered an bicycle accident. By body hurts a lot! Ouch!" a) yet b) already c) never d) just
D) Just
Each member of the team asks one question in the present perfect or in the present perfect continuous
Examples: What have you done lately? / Have you ever done something? / What have you been doing lately?
Each member of the team answers the question: Which TV show have you been watching lately?
I have been watching Sweet Tooth on Netflix
Each member of the team answers the question: Where is the best place you have ever been?
I have been to Arrial do Cabo. It has an amazing view!
Say words that refer to parts of the body of animals: 1) it's something hard that protects the body of some animals 2) it's a word used to refer to animals' that have a hairy skin 3) it's something hard and pointed that grows from the head
1) shell 2) fur 3) horn
What is the name we give for the hunting and killing animals illegally or out of season?
Each member of the team says one word related to environmental problems
logging, noise pollution, gas emission, bushfire, littering, climate change, oil spill