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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which 3 languages write from LEFT to RIGHT?
Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew
YES in at least 3 languages
oui, da, si, hai, ja
Which country celebrates Cinco de Mayo?
What does Dia de los Muertos mean?
Day of the Dead
Name a famous monument in Russia.
St. Basil's Cathedral, Lenin's Tomb,
Name a famous monument in France.
The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe...
Name at least 3 countries that speak German
Germany, Austria, Switzerland...
Name at least 3 countries that speak Russian
Russia, Estonia, Ukraine...
Name at least 3 countries that speak Spanish
Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica
Name at least 3 countries that speak French
France, Quebec Canada, Haiti...
What are the colors of the German flag?
black, yellow, red (schwarz, gelb, rot)
What is the name of the famous bicycle race in France?
La Tour de France
In which 2 countries do people eat a log of seafood?
Spain & Japan
What makes hot springs so hot in Japan?
Which languages uses the Cyrillic alphabet?
What country has 4 different writing systems?
What symbol is on the Mexican flag?
An eagle on a cactus with a snake in its mouth.
What language is this?: iFeliz Cumpleaños!
What language is this?: Herzlichen Gluckwunsch zum Geburtstag
What language is this: Joyeux Anniversaire?
Who was in charge of Europe, into northern Africa and the Middle East 2000 years ago?
The Romans
Describe Esperanto
An invented language that combined 7 popular world languages used to promote peace...but never really was adopted world-wide.
Describe Morse Code
A system of dots and dashes. Can be printed, sounds or lights flashing.
Describe Braille
A system of raised dots used by people who cannot see.
Famous Spanish food
quesadilla, taco, guacamole...
Famous German food
spaetzl, pretzel, bratwurst...
Famous Japanese food
sushi, sashimi, ramen...
Famous Russian food
caviar, borscht, root vegetables...
Famous French food
escargot, baguette, CHEESES!...
3 words we borrowed from German
dachshund, kindergarten, waltz...
3 words we borrowed from Japanese
futon, karate, wasabi...
3 words we borrowed from Spanish
piñata, jalapeno, siesta...
3 words we borrowed from Russian
tundra, mammouth, borscht...
3 words we borrowed from French
croissant, ambulance, rendez-vous...
Capital of Germany
Capital of Japan
Capital of Mexico
Mexico City
Capital of Spain
Capital of Russia
Capital of France
Colors of the French flag.
blue, white, red (bleu, blanc, rouge)
Count to 10 in at least 3 languages.
un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix;
HOW ARE YOU in at least 3 languages
Ca va?,
I'M FINE or I'M BAD in at least 3 languages
Ca va bien or mal,
MY NAME IS in at least 3 langauges
Je m'appelle...
WHAT'S YOUR NAME in at least 3 languages
Comment t'appelles-tu?...
THANK YOU in at least 3 langauges
PLEASE in at least 3 langauges
s'il te plait,
GOOD-BYE in at least 3 languages
au revoir, dasvedahnya, adios, sayonara, auf wiedersehen
Say HELLO in at least 3 languages.
Bonjour, privyet, hola, konnichwa, guten tag, ahalan, shalom.