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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I go to London to improve my English. => WHAT / WHY ...?
=> What do you go to London for? / Why do you go to London ?
It´s cold and foggy today. => WHAT ...?
=> What is the weather like today?
Carlota was driving too fast. => HOW ...?
=> How was Carlota driving?
That´s Maria´s car over there. => WHOSE...?
=> Whose car is that over there?
Laura is tall, slim and beautiful. => WHAT / HOW...?
=>What does Laura look like?/ How does Laura look?
She weighs 52 kilos. => HOW...?
=> How much does she weigh? / How heavy is she?
He traveled to Nha Trang by coach. => HOW...?
=> How did she travel to Nha Trang ?
My father was in Ha Noi last month. => WHERE...?
=> Where was your father last month ?
The bank is opposite the restaurant. => WHERE ...?
=> Where is the bank ?
It's about 1.500km from Hue to Ho Chi Minh city. => HOW FAR ...?
=> How far is it from Hue to HCM city ?
It took her three hours to finish the composition. => HOW LONG ....?
=> How long did it take her to finish the composition ?
They go to the beach on the summer holidays. => WHEN...?
=> When do they go to the beach ?
I go to the movies twice a week.=> HOW OFTEN...?
=> How often do you go to movies ?
Lan likes playing table tennis. => WHICH/ WHAT ...?
=> Which / What sport does Lan like playing ?
My mother is cooking in the kitchen at the moment. => WHAT ...?
=> What is your mother doing at the moment?
I often listen to music in my free time. => WHAT ...?
=> What do you often do in your free time?
The homework was very difficult yesterday. => HOW ...?
=> How was the homework yesterday?
My favorite subject is Math. => WHAT ...?
=> What is your favorite subject ?
Liz will send these letters to her friends.=> WHO...?
=> Who will Liz send these letters to?
She often does the housework after doing exercises. => WHEN ...?
=> When does she often do her homework ?
They are planting some roses in the garden.=> HOW MANY ...?
=> How many roses are they planting in the garden ?