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8th Grade Trivia #2

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the 2 major mountain ranges in NY State.
Adirondack and Catskill
Completing schooling from kindergarten through 12th grade will typically take how many years?
Name the seasons of the Northeastern US.
winter, summer, spring, fall
Identify the countries in Great Britain.
England, Wales & Scotland
The Pacific Ocean is on which side of North America?
Fill in the blanks in order: "The sun rises in the _____ and sets in the _____."
east, west
How many degrees are in half a circle?
How many years are in 1 decade?
What is the largest rainforest in the world?
the Amazon
How many sides does a hexagon have?
Native Americans are credited with creating which sport now played in many schools?
Bill Gates is the founder of which tech company?
What's the 7th letter of the alphabet?
Which building was the first in the world to have more than 100 floors?
Empire State Building
What is the main color of Mickey Mouse's shorts?
How much money does "a G" represent?
$1,000 / a grand
What is the name of Cardi B's daughter with Offset?
What is the area code for Troy, NY?
Who am I?
Lil Durk
Name the streaming service associated with this brand.
Disney+ (Disney Plus)
This artist made history in 2020 as the youngest winner of the Grammys' four main categories.
Billie Eilish
The international K-Pop group "BTS" recently partnered with what food chain to form their own meal?
McDonald's "BTS Meal"
Recently Jennifer Lopez ended her relationship with which retired baseball player?
Alex Rodriguez
I founded and am CEO of Amazon. What is my name (first & last)?
Jeff Bezos
True or False: Steve Jobs, creator of Apple, is deceased.
Which tech entrepreneur named his son X Æ A-12?
Elon Musk
Who is the oldest Kardashian sister?
What date (month & date) is "Star Wars Day"?
May 4th
What does the acronym "SMH" mean?
shaking my head
Name these two characters from Looney Tunes.
Tweety and Sylvester
This owl is famous for representing which brand of candy?
Tootsie Pop
Name the married couple of fairies in the hit TV show "The Fairly Odd Parents."
Cosmo & Wanda
In baseball and softball, what does RBI stand for?
runs batted in
What is the original source of all energy on Earth?
the Sun
What type of race is the Tour de France?
How many miles are in a marathon?
Which animals are featured during a festival in Spain called "Running of the ____"
In no particular order, which 5 colors make up the Olympic rings?
red, green, black, blue, yellow
Which Pixar movie was the first to be released by the company in 1995?
Toy Story
In no particular order, list the colors of visible light.
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
What is Nemo's dad's name in the movie Finding Nemo?
In which foreign city does the Pixar movie Ratatouille take place?
Name the famous Wookiee featured in Star Wars.
Which country does the movie Mulan take place in?
An average day on Earth has how many hours?
24 hours
Name the 7 continents.
Antarctica, Australia, Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America
What is the longest side length of a right triangle called?
Which US president is the only one to have served more than two terms?
Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR)
In terms of planets or moons, another word for "orbit" is
What is the mascot for Lansingburgh Central Schools?
a knight
NASA is an acronym that stands for which agency?
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The Dodgers baseball team is based in which city?
Los Angeles
Name the state with the largest land area.
What is the largest breed of wild cat in the world?
Siberian tiger
Name the top dog breed in the USA for 2020.
Labrador Retriever