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6th Grade Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make it respectful! Your room is ALWAYS so disgusting!
Could you clean your room so it's easier for us to hang out in there?
Make it respectful! You NEVER ask before borrowing my stuff!
Could you please ask me before taking something from my pencil bag?
Why should we look at the other person's perspective in a conflict?
So we can understand the full story, so we can come to a solution we both like
What is the difference between a major and minor conflict?
A minor conflict can be fixed in about 1 day, a major conflict takes longer or someone got really hurt.
Give an example of a minor conflict
someone calling you a rude name, someone borrowing a pencil without asking
Name one way each of your team members has changed this year
new hobby, better at a subject, different friends, taller
Ms. Patin decides she wants to make a change and start eating ONLY onions. How would this change affect others?
they will have to smell her stinky breath, her husband won't have any foods he likes for dinner
Mr. Waddell decides he wants to make a change and teach first grade next year. How would this change affect others?
the sixth grade teachers might miss him, the first graders might have fun having him as a teacher, the first grade team would have to get used to a new teammate
Extra bonus points: what is Ms. Patin's favorite fast food?
Taco Bell
Extra bonus points: name the state where Ms. Patin was born
Extra points bonus: name all 3 animals Ms. Patin has for a pet
cat, horse, dog
Ms. Patin sees Mrs. Patton stealing Ms. Ba-arma's lunch. Ms. Patin keeps walking. Is this a bystander or an upstander?
Ms. Beukema sees Ms. Patin getting shoved into a locker. She goes and gets some help. Is this a bystander or an upstander?
Ms. Sentz sees someone teasing Ms. Patin. Later, Ms. Sentz asks Ms. Patin if she is ok. What strategy is this?
Mrs. Shackelford sees Ms. Ba-arma trying to steal Ms. Patin's new car. She says "stop! that's not your car!" What strategy is this?
Speak up
Ms. Patin sees Mr. Waddell making fun of Mx. Wray. Ms. Patin goes to get Ms. Swetz to intervene. What strategy is this?
get help
Ms. Swetz makes a joke about Mr. Waddell's hats and he laughs. Is this bullying?
During weekly staff meetings, Mrs. Dixon roasts the staff that bothered her this week. Is this bullying?
Yes, there is a power imbalance.
Ms. Patin makes a "Mr. Waddell is weird" instagram page and follows all the other teachers. What type of bullying is this?
Ms. Patin tells Ms. Mironova they are not inviting Ms. Beukema to the mall because she smells bad. What type of bullying is this?
Every time Mrs. Dixon sees Ms. Patin, she kicks her! What type of bullying is this?
Ms. Hiller sees Ms. Patin in the hallway and says "your shoes are trash!" What type of bullying is this?
Ms. Patin always steals Ms. Ba-arma's chips at lunch. What kind of bullying is this?
What would be a smaller goal if Mr. Waddell had a big goal of being president before he's 90 years old?
Become governor, learn more about what the president does, make friends with politicians
Ms. Patin is TERRIBLE at basketball. What is a new strategy she could try?
ask a friend, watch videos, hire a coach, lower the hoop
Give me an example of a major conflict
Someone telling your secret, someone breaking your phone, a physical fight
Ms. Swetz wants to get better at playing the trumpet. Make a specific goal for her.
Learn 3 songs by the end of the summer.
Mrs. Patton wants to get better at cooking. Make a SPECIFIC goal for her.
learn 2 new recipes by next month
What is the scientific name for connections in your brain?
Neural patheways