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The 'Feather of Truth' represented which goddess?
When Amun merged with Re, how was he known?
Which of the Thutmoses was Hatshepsut's step-son?
Thutmose III
What were the three seasons in Ancient Egypt?
Akhet, Peret Shemu
Where are the Divine Birth and Coronation inscriptions located?
North wall of the middle colonnade of Hatshepsut's mortuary temple.
How old was Hatshepsut when she died?
Early 50s
Which high priest of Amun was the longest serving under Hatshepsut?
Where was the Temple of Pakhet (Speos Artemidos) located?
Beni Hasan
Which temple did Hatshepsut have restored after being damaged by the Hiksos?
Temple of Pakhet also known as Speos Artemidos (Greek - Cave of Artemis)
How many ships were sent on the expedition to Punt?
5 (five)
In what year of Hatshepsut's reign did the expedition to Punt take place?
In the 9th year of her reign
How many children did Hatshepsut have?
1 (one)
Where is the Temple of Amun located?
What relation was Hatshepsut to Thutmose I (her husband)?
Wife and sister
A trade expedition to which country was one a Hatshepsut's greatest achievements?
What do the coronation reliefs in Hatshepsut's mortuary temple show us?
That Amun and her father Thutmose I announce her as legitimate successor.
On a panel in Hatshepsut's temple, which goddess is depicted suckling the baby?
Hathor - the cow goddess
What is the name of the god who created flesh on his potters wheel?
What did Amun hold under Ahmose's nose for her to breathe in divine essence and conceive his child?
An ankh or 'key of life'
How did Hatshepsut justify her position as divine ruler?
All of the above
Made a feature of her divine conception b the god Amun
Rewrote her history
Say she was a daughter of a god
Who was Hatshepsut's father and how did he make becoming her father possible?
Amun, who disguised himself as Thutmose II.
What kind of birth did Hatshepsut's mother have?
A divine birth
Kingship was represented by a male in full pharaoh regalia. Name four of these things.
Shendyet (kilt), postiche (false beard), nemes (striped head-cloth), uraeus (cobra)
Hatshepsut was known as a female what?
A female Horus
Who was the daughter of Hatshepsut and Thutmose II?
Which goddess was the personification of truth, justice and cosmic order?
Where is Hatshepsut's mortuary temple located?
What was the name of Hatshepsut's chief advisor?
What is the greatest source of information for Hatshepsut?
Hatshepsut's mortuary temple
Who did Hatshepsut become regent for?
Thutmose III
Thutmose I
Thutmose II
Thutmose XX