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The Enormous Turnip

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They pull and pull but the enormous turnip is too big. They ________ get it.
'I want this turnip for dinner', the old man says to the old woman. 'But I cannot get it. ______ help me'
When they get the turnip, how do they feel?
very happy
Who does the boy ask for help?
the girl
The girl is walking her ___
The boy is playing with his ___
The old man and the old woman ___ and ___, but the enormous turnip is too big.
Who does the old man ask for help?
the old woman
Why does the old man want the enormous turnip?
He wants it for dinner
How many enormous turnips does the old man have?
Where are the old man's turnips?
in his garden
What does 'enormous' mean?
Very very big
What is a turnip?
a vegetable