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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you could have superpowers, which one would you prefer?
Your answer
If an alien spaceship landed in your garden, what would you do?
Your answer
If you could meet a celebrity, who would he/she be?
Your answer
If you got lost in the desert, what would you do?
Your answer
If an earthquake destroyed your house, what would you do?
Your answer
If I _______ travel everywhere, I _________ to Japan (can/go)
could/ would go
If a shopkeeper _______ too much money, I _________ it (give/return)
gave/ would return
I _______ to do it again if my dog _____ my homework (have/eat)
would have/ ate
If I ______ invisible for a day, I ________ people (be/scare)
were/ would scare
I ________ as much chocolate as I can if the world _________ tomorrow (eat/ end)
would eat/ ended
I ______ away if I _____ a snake in my toilet (run/ find)
would run/ found
If I ______ a celebrity, I _________ a selfie (see/ ask for)
saw/ would ask for
If I ________ a gold watch, I _________ it back to its owner (find/give)
found/ would give