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B1 Open World

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I feel ______ because I forgot your birthday, and you always remember mine
I felt __________ when I fell over in front of my class.
The ________________ cheered when the match was over.
The _______ talked to his team about strategy before the match
My team wore red shirts, and our _________ wore black
The _________ blew her whistle and held up a red card
Newcastle United ________ Real madrid by only 1 goal
The winning team ___________ 5 goals! Amazing!
The Olympics will be __________ in Tokyo this summer
phrasal verb: when I was 12 I _______ ______ tennis. I have played ever since
took up
phrasal verb: spend time with friends is _____________ _________ with them
hang out
phrasal verb: to participate in a sport, or other activity, you _____ _____ ____ it
take part in
Sportspeople really like it when friends and family come and s____ them when they play
A _________ person is trustworthy, they do what they promise to do, you can depend on them
This person works with tubes, bathrooms, water
relative clause: Billy is the teacher _______ has a beard
who (or that)
relative pronoun: Gill is a teacher ___________ classes are always interesting :)
This word means warm, comfortable
These houses are all in a row, they're joined together
terraced houses
Most people in Cordoba live in __________ of flats
On a plane, you put your smaller bags up in the overhead ________
Another name for luggage is:
speculate: You studied really hard. You ________ fail the exam! (you feel it's impossible)
speculate: You didn't eat much breakfast, you ________ be feeling hungry? (possibility)
might / may
Speculate: You're using an umbrella, it ________ be raining outside! (you're sure)
To move across a town or city, going to different places, you get _________________
When you arrive at a building you get _____
get to
when you leave a car you get ________ ________
get out of the car
When you leave a train or a ship you get _______
get off
The person who serves you food and drinks, and looks after your satety on a plane is a ..
flight attendant
The pilot and her assistant sit in the part of the plane called a...
The team of people who work on an aeroplane are the...
cabin crew / cabin staff
These seats cost more than normal seats on an aeroplane
business class / first class
Ryanair, Easyjet , British Airways and Iberian are all ____________
If you arrive at the train station too late, you will _______ your train :(
This is the name of the 'door' where you go to catch your aeroplane. You must go to the right one, or you will get on the wrong plane!
This is the place in an airport where you sit and wait before you go to the gate for your flight. There are shops and bars there.
departure lounge
This is something you do when you arrive at an airport, or online. You do this either a day or two before you fy, or on the same day.
These are used by companies to transport goods across the country by road.
A big, fast road is called a ______________ in the UK (a highway in the USA).
At the start of a holiday, the roads can be very busy. I hate sitting in ______ ______, they are frustrating
traffic jams
This is a place where ferries and other ships leave from and arrive. They are sometimes at the mouth of rivers
My local bus station is quite big. It is important to know which p_________ to catch your bus from.
When you drive a car, it is important to know where the best ______ _______ are, to fill up on fuel.
petrol stations (gas stations in USA)
Air travel is quick. A journey by air is called a f________
This is a kind of boat. Cars and foot passengers use it to travel to a destination.
You are travelling by train. Unfortunately the train is late. The snow has caused many d__________
When you are going to fly, you get a kind of ticket. It tells you the flight details and your seat number. What is it called?
boarding pass