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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Burt Timon's films are always ___________ - there's something a bit strange and different about them. A) quirky B) controversial C) average
A) quirky
I didn't think much of it really. I'd give it two stars - just a(n) _________ film. A) dull B) average C) powerful
B) average
Wasn't it __________ when he arrived suddenly from out of the sky? A) unique B) dramatic C) moving
B) dramatic
The ________ costumes, with all that detail, must have taken ages to make. A) elaborate B) powerful C) stunning
A) elaborate
It made me cry. It was so __________ when she sang the last song and died. A) dramatic B) moving C) unique
B) moving
It was so boring! I fell asleep after twenty minutes. How _________ that was. A) avearge B) subtle C) dull
C) dull