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Questions for Opening Up a Restaurant

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What will you do if you get a bad reputation?
We will..../ We won’t....../ We should...../ we shouldn’t.......
What will you do if your head chef is bad?
We will..../ We won’t....../ We should...../ we shouldn’t.......
What will you do if you don’t have enough waiters on a busy night?
We will..../ We won’t....../ We should...../ we shouldn’t.......
What will you do if your restaurant closes due to Covid 19?
We will..../ We won’t....../ We should...../ we shouldn’t.......
What will you do if a customer gets food poisoning from one of your dishes?
We will..../ We won’t....../ We should...../ we shouldn’t.......
What will you do if there is a big queue of people outside of your restaurant?
We will..../ We won’t....../ We should...../ we shouldn’t.......
What will happen if you have a confusing menu?
We will..../ We won’t....../ We should...../ we shouldn’t.......
What will you do if your kitchen has a hygiene problem?
We will..../ We won’t....../ We should...../ we shouldn’t.......
What will you do if you get negative reviews?
We will..../ We won’t....../ We should...../ we shouldn’t.......
What will you do if you have rude waiters?
We will..../ We won’t....../ We should...../ we shouldn’t.......
What will you do if you don’t have any customers?
We will..../ We won’t....../ We should...../ we shouldn’t.......
What will you do if a customer complains about the food?
We will..../ We won’t....../ We should...../ we shouldn’t.......
What will happen if customers complain about the service?
We will..../ We won’t....../ We should...../ we shouldn’t.......