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The CCA Way
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Who is the president of CCA?
made fun of, vacuums mats, bottom of totem pole
What is an intern?
stunting with campers
What is never allowed at camps?
check tire pressure, get out of the car, tire condition, awakened if asleep
What are the stopping during travel procedures?
helping the driver and staying awake
What are the shot gun/ passenger rider's responsibilities?
crop tops, cut offs, bare stomachs, halter tops, cleavage, tight tank tops
What is the dress code?
PDA-sit in each others laps, arms around someone, fall asleep in someone's lap,
What is unacceptable travel guy/girl behavior?
God-President-Vice Presidents-Admn Assistants-Event Director-Sr Team Leaders-Team Leaders-Assisant Team Leaders-Staff Instructors-----------Interns
What is the chain of command?
failure to learn material, missing curfew, exceeding the speed limit, failure to report vehicle problems, failure to wear a seatbelt, missing a motion or bobbling in a stunt, staff appearance, being not on time, damaging the CCA testimony
What are fineable offenses?
crap, fart, sucks, frigging, freaking, OMG, pinch a penny
What is "slanguage"?
red,white and blue ribbons
What are evaluation awards?
What is a no pressure evaluation?
Prayer, learning names, and attitude of ownership, SMILE
What do you do at "PI" time?
Private coaching time in which the instructors walk around from team to team as they practice to help with evaluation material
What is "PI" Time?
No pelvic thrusts, body waves, extreme hip gyrations, midriffs, explicit
What are the music, moves, and dress policies?
A type of spotting that CCA emphasizes to coaches as well as during stunt class
What is "hands on" spotting?
Putting arms around a camper, taking them into a devo room, counsel them alone
What can guys NOT do at the altar?
The Message or Living Bible Paraphrase
What are the versions of the Bible that you cannot use?
The summer of 1987
When did CCA start?
Rose. Holly, Debbie, Christy, Rae
Who are the Fab Five?
When referring to one's backside, bottom, b*tt
What is a seat?