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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are Yukon Striker and Leviathan?
Roller Coasters
What is Canada's Wonderland?
An amusement park
Name 1 Candian celebrity
Who is NOT a Canadian celebrity? a) Celin Dion b) Avril Lavigne c) Jhonny Depp
Jhonny Depp
Can you show Canada on the map?
What is the location of CN Tower? A) Toronto city B) Canada city C) Niagara falls
What is this? A) Chateau Frontenac B) Niagara Falls C) CN Tower
Chateau Frontenac
What is this? A) Chateau Frontenac B) Niagara Falls C) CN Tower
CN Tower
What is this? A) Chateau Frontenac B) Niagara Falls C) CN Tower
Niagara falls
Choose an answer. The biggest territory in Canada is: a) Nunavut territory b) Quebec province c) Prince Edward Island
Choose an answer. This is a: a) Ottawa province b) French province c) Quebec province
Quebec province
True or false: Toronto is the 5th most populated city in North America
Choose an answer. Toronto is in: a) Ottawa province b) Ontario province c) Canada province
Ontario province
True or false: Toronto is not a multicutural city
Name 2 cities in Canada
Toronto and Ottawa
True or false: Toronto is the capital of Canada
What is the capital of Canada?
Name the Canada's national animals?
the beaver and canada Goose
Name a Canada's national sport
Ice hokey \ lacross \ skating
True or False: Canada's official national sport is basketball
Where can you see Canada's national symbol?
on the Canadian flag and on the penny
True or False: There're a lot of ukrainian people in Canada
True or False: Is French an official language of Canada?
Who is the head of the state?
Queen Elizabeth II
From what word does the name Canada come from?
What does the word "kanata" mean?
How many territories are there in Canada?
How many provinces are there in Canada?
What colors are in the Canadian flag?
Red and white
How big is Canada?
2nd biggest country in the world
What's the name of Candian money?
Candian dollar and Canadian penny
Canadian official languages?
English and French
Canada is bigger than European Union, true or false?
Canada is bigger than Russia, true or false?
What do Canadians put on top of their pancakes?
maple syrup
What is Canda's national symbol? (main)
Mape leaf