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Fish in a tree - chapter 11 to 21

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Why did Ally grab a butterfly?
Sha wanted to make a wish.
Where was Shay's birthday party?
Butterflies Gardens
Why was Ally upset with Shay in chapter 20?
Because she called Travis a loser.
What did Travis buy?
An old car
What did Ally do to Shay? Why?
She ate her cake. She thought Shay took her biscuits.
Why did Albert have bruises on his body?
Some kids were bothering him
Where did Albert, Keisha and Ally go in chapter 19?
To Ally's mother work, the restaurant for an ice cream.
Did Albert wear always the same T-shirt? Explain.
No he had five identical ones.
Did Ally agree she is just a "slow reader" girl? Why?
No, she is more than that.
Why did Shay call them "misfit toys"?
They were loser and weird
What was Ally's plan in order not to write?
To wear a sling
Why was Ally happy in chapter 15?
She made a friend
What did Keisha give to Ally?
A cupcake with wow in it
Why was Ally so proud of herself after the mystery boxes activity?
She discovered Mr. Daniels trick
What was the Friday challenge Mr. Daniels assigned to the class?
Mystery objects in boxes
What happened to Ally and Keisha during the concert?
They went out to the auditorium without flowers.
What did Ally decide to do to help Keisha when she was crying?
She tried to give her half of her bouquet.
What happened to Keisha's flowers?
Thet fell when she smelled them
Who brought the flower for the concert?
Shay's father
Did Albert care about people bullying him? What was more important for him?
No, a Science problem
What did Ally do to solve the problem with Albert?
Why did Ally want to be more like Albert?
To care less about what others say
Why did Ally feel terrible?
She bullied Albert
Why did Ally start to talk about eggs to Keisha?
To start a conversation