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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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WISH: What do you wish _________ (not happen) that did?
hadn't happened
FUTURE: Some sceptics believe that by the end of the next 100 years, we ________ (not find) a cure for the disease.
won't have found
FUTURE: By 2022 John _________ (take) his English proficiency exam.
will have taken
FUTURE: Many people believe that they _______ (receive) their vaccination against COVID by the end of the year.
will have received
FUTURE: What ____________ (be) the most significant event by the end of this century?
will have been
FUTURE: By the end of this decade I _______________ (open) a new business.
will have opened
FUTURE: Last year I thought I __________(move) house at the end of the year, but that didn't happen;
would move / was going to move
FUTURE: What did you think you ____________(be) when you were a child?
would be / were going to be
FUTURE: 50 years ago, many people that that we __________(have) flying cars by now.
would have
FUTURE: We were going for a picnic and hoped the weather _________(stay) sunny.
would stay / was going to stay
FUTURE: At the age of eight, I decided I ___________ (become) a pilot when I grew up.
would become / was going to become
FUTURE: I reckon that when I arrive, my family _______________(not wait) at the entrance, they will be in a cafe around the corner.
won't be waiting
FUTURE: What ___ he ________ (do) tomorrow morning?
will he be doing
FUTURE: They are in Spain. They ___________ (sunbathe) all week)
will be sunbathing
FUTURE: Where will you be at 2pm? I think I __________ (search) for bargains in he mall!
will be searching
FUTURE: I think that at 5pm tomorrow, they ____already___ (travel) to London.
will already be travelling
WISH: I hate travelling on buses. I wish I ___________ (have) a car.
WISH: Peter regrets what he said and wishes he _____________ (not say) anything.
hadn’t said
WISH: I wish there __________ (be) some way we could meet more often. We hardly see each other.
WISH: I wish we __________ (not go) to Malta for our holidays. Greece would have been better, I think.
hadn’t gone
WISH: It’s so cold outside. I wish I __________ (not have) to go to school today.
didn’t have
WISH: I wish that I _____________ (study) more at school. I’d probably have a better job now.
had studied
WISH: It’s a pity you’re so far away. I wish you ________ (be) here with me now.
WISH: I’m always so busy. I wish that I ________ (have) more free time.
WISH: Alison’s nice, but she’s so nosey. I wish she ____________ (not ask) so many questions.
wouldn’t ask / didn't ask
WISH: Mike Smith’s a bad influence on you. I wish you ___________ (not spend) so much time with him.
wouldn’t spend / didn't spend
WISH: You’re driving far too fast. I wish you __________ (slow down) a bit.
would slow down
WISH: I wish you ____________ (hurry up) – we’re going to be late.
would hurry up
WISH: I want to play tennis – I wish it ___________(stop) raining.
would stop
WISH: I wish you __________(be) quiet – I’m trying to listen to the radio
would be