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M2 T1 Test: Mixtures, Solubility, and Acid/Base  ...

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ALL MEMBERS CAM ON: Go around your house and find 1 example of unsaturated solution.
Student answers may vary.
ALL MEMBERS CAM ON: Go around your house and find 1 example of saturated solution.
Student answers may vary.
ALL MEMBERS CAM ON: Go around your house and find 1 example of dilute solution.
Student answers may vary.
ALL MEMBERS CAM ON: Go around your house and find 1 example of concentrated solution.
Student answers may vary.
ALL MEMBERS CAM ON: Go around your house and find 1 example of heterogeneous mixture.
Student answers may vary.
ALL MEMBERS CAM ON: Go around your house and find 1 example of solute.
Student answers may vary.
ALL MEMBERS CAM ON: Go around your house and find 1 example of solvent.
Student answers may vary.
ALL MEMBERS CAM ON: Go around your house and find 1 example of a solution/homogeneous mixture.
Student answers may vary.
It refers to a solution that can still dissolve more solute.
Unsaturated Solution
Saturated Solution
It refers to a solution that contains the maximum amount of dissolved solute.
Saturated Solution
Unsaturated Solution
It refers to the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a given temperature and pressure.
Saturated Solution
Unsaturated Solution
It is a type of mixture in which the individual substances are NOT EVENLY mixed.
Heterogeneous Mixture
It is a type of mixture in which the individual substances are EVENLY mixed.
Homogeneous mixtures or Solution
Calculate the concentration of sugar in a 4 L drink that contains 100 grams of sugar. (Remember: C = m/V)
25 g/L
Which of the following refers to electrons that are NOT shared equally?
Polar molecules
Nonpolar molecules
A compound is 2 chemically bonded elements.
A mixture is two or more physically blended substances,
Matter can be classified into _________________ and _________________.
Substances, Mixtures
What is the another name for Homogeneous Mixture?
Mixtures can be ________________ and ___________________.
Homogeneous mixtures, Heterogeneous mixtures
Substances can be _______________ and _________________.
Elements, Compounds
Solubility is the ability of a solute to dissolve into a solution. Which of the following statements is TRUE about SOLUBILITY (How much can dissolve)?
More solute can dissolve in solution if solubility is high.
More solute can dissolve in solution if solubility is low.
Less solute can dissolve in solution if solubility is high.
The amount of solute can that dissolve depends on solvent.
Which of the following solutions is the most diluted?
A solution of 10 grams of salt with a volume of 1000 mL.
A solution of 5 grams of salt with a volume of 100 mL.
A solution of 20 grams of salt with a volume of 1000 mL
A solution of 50 grams of salt with a volume of 1000 mL.
What is the concentration of a 0.1 L solution of water with 20 grams of dissolved salt?
200.0 g/L
0.2 g/L
2.0 g/L
20.0 g/L
A solution is always the same _____________ as its solvent.
state of matter
Why won’t oil dissolve in water?
Water is polar, but oil is nonpolar.
Oil is polar, but water is nonpolar.
Oil is a mixture, but water is a substance.
Water is a mixture, but oil is a substance.
What is Matter?
Matter is everything around you, anything that occupies space and has mass.
What is the substance being dissolved in a solution?
What part of a solution has the greatest quantity?
Which statement about substances is true?
When two or more substances are evenly mixed, we can separat
A substance cannot be separated from a mixture.
Substances can be elements or solutions.
If two or more substances are physically blended, the new bl