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Mr. Know All by Somerset Maugham

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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'True" or "False" - The Union Jack is the American flag.
The message of the story is .....?
looks can be deceiving and misleading
A lack of a name for the narrator - why?
We may all be guilty of judging people by stereotypes and generalizations
The antagonist is...?
Mr. Kelada
The protagonist is...?
The narrator
THe story takes place in “international waters” why?
Prejudice and racism are human traits and not the traits of any given culture.
At the beginning of the story, the characters are presented as stereotypes. How does the information we learn later on challenge Mr. K. sterotypes?
He is a sensitive/ honest ....man
At the beginning of the story, the characters are presented as stereotypes. How does the information we learn later on challenge Mr. R sterotypes?
She cheats/ lies/ betrays....
“True” or “False” - The writer was glad to have a cabin with two berths.
“True” or “False” - If you disagreed with Mr. Kelada on any subject, he would stop talking to you.
“True” or “False” - The narrator refused to drink with Mr. Kelada.
"Don't judge a book by its cover" - find another expression(idiom) that has the same meaning.
All that glitters is not gold/ more than meets the eye/ clothes don't make the man
What made the narrator suspicious that "something unfortunate was about to happen"
When Mrs. Ramsay said she "can't undo the chian"
The ocean liner was traveling from …………………………………………. to …………………………………………..
San Francisco to Yokohama
What did Mr. Ramsay and Mr. Kelada argue about?
The subject of pearls/ real or cultured.
Why is the narrator surprised to find out that Mr. Kelada is English?
He doesn't look/ behave/ talk as an Englishman
Where and when does the story take place?
On a ship/ international waters/ after war world 1
When the narrator enters his cabin for the first time, he sees Mr. Kelada’s possessions. Explain what the narrator thinks about the brushes
His brushes are dirty. / His brushes are too fancy
Why is the narrator not happy about sharing a cabin with Mr. Kelada?
He doesn't like his name
Mr. Kelada tries to make friends with the narrator by (–).
telling the narrator he is British
The narrator thought Mr. Kelada was (–).
talkative/ pushy / no English