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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the meaning of crash course?
an educational or research course conducted over a very short period of time
Is the sentence correct: My boyfriend start work in 7 o'clock.
starts ; at 7 o'clock
What is a chapter?
a main division of a book, typically with a number or title
What is a heart throb?
Heartthrobs are movie stars, musicians or any celebrity that people find attractive
If a book is a page turner then...
the book is very interesting
A helmet, a saddle and a rope can be used for what?
To take your breath away means...?
to amaze, to impress
What is a sequel?
a published or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier one.
What is "applause"?
approval or praise expressed by clapping
What is the difference between a coin and a note? (money)
coin - metal ; note - paper
A egotistical person is one who is...?
absorbed in oneself; self-centred
A charming person is one who is...
very pleasant or attractive, liked by others
The modal verb of prohibition is...
Question tag - She doesn't drink alcohol, ...?
does she?
Question tag - He went to school, ...?
didn't he ?
Question tag - They are German, ...?
aren't they?
dangerous - comparative - superlative ?
more dangerous - the most dangerous
far - comparative - superlative?
far- farther(than) - (the) farthest
enormous is a synonym for..
huge, gigantic
upbeat person is one who is...
cheerful, optimistic, energetic
We use the Present Perfect Simple for...
to talk about completed actions which happened in an unfinished period of time that is connected to now
We use the Past Simple for ...
completed actions or states which happened in a finished period of time in the past. There is no connection to now.
We use the Present Continuous for...
things that are happening now, at this moment and temporary situations that are happening around now
What is the meaning of 'look up to' ?
have a great deal of respect for someone
We use the Present Simple to talk about ...
habits/routines ; for things that are always true and for describing a state